Crackberry; Lifeline; Ball and Chain; glued to my hip or on my bedside table at night. It is my watch, my alarm clock, my really slow
Internet connection, my email, my address book, my phone, my
walkie-talkie, my night-light, my notepad, my grocery list, my entertainment when I am bored, an annoyance when I am trying to do something fun, my safety net anytime - anywhere. This is the object I probably look at and handle a thousand times a day. Love it or hate it, I think it (or it's
descendants) is here to stay.
1 comment:
I love this drawing! My hubby gets to carry a blackberry when he's on call, so for us, the blackberry means the opposite, it means more work / less peace. I don't have a blackberry, but I do have a great cell phone (nokia n80) that I love LOVE love and am so addicted to. It does everything, is like my PDA now. :)
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